Setting up a Thai Company Ltd.

Thai Company Ltd. - Set up and costs

How to set up a Thai Company


Balance Sheet Thai Company Ltd.If you want to buy property in the name of a company, obviously you need to set up a new company, unless the seller owns the property in a company’s name already and he sells the property with the company.

Such a company must have 3 shareholders, including the foreigner. 51 % of the shares must be hold by Thai nationals, however the foreigner can become the only managing director of the company.

Costs for setting up a company are anything from 20.000 to 70.000 Baht and more. The price depends on the registered capital. The registered capital should be nearly the registered sales price for the property, you want to buy. (Registered Sales price is the price at the land office, NOT the real sales price, unless you declare the real sales price at the land office).

Balance Sheet and Tax

Every company must make a balance sheet for the last year before end of May.

Accounting offices charge you 8.000 to 15.000 Baht to make such a balance sheet. Further on you have to pay some taxfor the company, which will be something from 5.000 to 10.000 Baht per year.